Back in 2008, whilst singing for cult techno-punk band SICKNOTE, Doghouse packed in his day job and declared, ‘Death Before Employment’. This was to become his modus operandi; not some lazy, empty, slacker manifesto, but a truly dedicated, focused intention to never work for ‘The Man’ ever again. He decided it was time to stop pussyfooting around and became determined to survive off his wits, his skills and his creativity… and if this was to prove an ultimate impossiblity then he decided he might as well be dead. This may sound all very dramatic, but Doghouse couldn’t see himself not being an artist after successfully surfing the SICKNOTE tsunami for nine years and the idea of going backwards and being a part-time hobbyist was now inconceivable.
In 2013 things took an unexpected turn for the worst when the SICKNOTE wave smashed into the metaphorical dam that was the death of their dancer, the shamanic Dr. Conker. Band members fled, scared and confused in different directions and suddenly Doghouse was left alone, with no music to accompany his words. If he was to survive he would have to learn to produce music… and fast. Within two years he was back, gigging with a solo album, ‘Idiot Savant’, engineered and produced by himself. Completely self-taught; he then became his own booking agent and promoter, arranging gigs and producing promotional graphics for t-shirts, posters and CD covers. Three years later and we find Doghouse is still alive and well, he is periodically releasing new music ; working with new producers to develop the sounds and is now producing his own videos. He has performed at festivals and venues across the UK, and in Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Japan, Switzerland and Holland. The future will see an all encompassing live show with video projections and theatrical asides; a mixture of tragedy, comedy and existential theatre.
Long live DOGHOUSE.!!!